Mirage blasts

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A player using the mirage blast Canna to defeat some Tavalus

Mirage blasts are blasts exclusive to humans and newmans. They temporarily summon ancient creatures to unleash a devastating attack, or support the user or party in various ways. They are equipped by equipping a corresponding blast module, which range from rank to rank, with higher ranks increasing the potency of the blast.

Each mirage blast is associated with one of the 6 attributes, and deal all of their damage as the appropriate attribute, meaning that they will deal higher or lower damage depending on the creature's attribute. Mirage blasts also deal ranged damage, with their damage being based off the user's base TEC stat.

Some mirage blasts are used for breaking chains, and benefitting from their damage bonuses, while other mirage blasts are used for building chains or support.

In comparison to other blast types, mirage blasts are among the strongest blasts, due to their versatility, and ability to do large amount of damage.

Nui[edit | edit source]

Nui in action

Nui is a fire attribute creature that launches a short-range attack for 5 hits in front of the user for high damage. Nui will break chains and benefit from their damage bonus, while also having the chance to inflict burn on any creature it hits.

While Nui is extremely strong, Nui is usually passed up in favor of Konl, as Konl does more damage, has more range and is easier to hit things with. However, Nui will do significantly more damage than Konl on creatures weak to .

Rank Module Name Power Hits Attribute Special
Flaming Roar 950-1000% 5 20% Burn LV3
Fiery Roar 1000-1050% 35% Burn LV4
Inferno Roar 1050-1100% 50% Burn LV5

Konl[edit | edit source]

Konl in action

Konl is an ice attribute creature that launches an infinite-range attack for 6 hits in front of the user for extremely high damage. This attack also pierces, hitting any creature in the user's line of sight. Konl will break chains and benefit from their damage bonus, while also having the chance to inflict freeze on any creature it hits.

Konl is the highest damaging attack in the game, due to its extremely high power modifier and ability to benefit from chain breaks. Many boss creatures will instantly be defeated if Konl is used on a very high chain, as Konl can hit the damage cap of 32,767 easily if hitting weak spots.

Rank Module Name Power Hits Attribute Special
Snow Gust 850-900% 6 20% Freeze LV3
Ice Gust 900-950% 35% Freeze LV4
Ice-Blade Gust 950-1000% 50% Freeze LV5

Canna[edit | edit source]

Canna in action

Canna is a lightning attribute creature that launches numerous lightning bolts throughout a very wide area, centred on the user. This attack hits 13 times, and will hit all creatures on the same elevation as the user. Canna does not break chains, nor benefits from their damage bonus, but will build chain instead. Canna may also inflict shock on any creature it hits.

Canna is a very useful blast for spawns with many weaker creatures spread out, as it can wipe weaker spawns very quickly. Canna is also very useful for missions with blast rechargers, as being able to repeatedly use Canna will destroy all creatures in the room quickly.

Rank Module Name Power Hits Attribute Special
Thunder Flash 300-360% 13 20% Shock LV3
Lightning Flash 320-380% 35% Shock LV4
Storm Flash 330-400% 50% Shock LV5

Toitoi[edit | edit source]

Toitoi in action

Toitoi is an earth attribute creature that drops a giant mushroom in front of the user, causing massive damage in a small radius centred around the mushroom. This attack hits 4 times, and will hit all creatures on the same elevation as the user. Toitoi does not break chains, nor benefits from their damage bonus, but will build chain instead. Toitoi may also inflict confuse on any creature it hits.

Toitoi is a very useful blast for spawns with many tougher creatures grouped together, as the high damage of Toitoi is enough to wipe many spawns.

Rank Module Name Power Hits Attribute Special
Clod Impact 2500-2550% 4 20% Confuse LV3
Levee Impact 2600-2650% 35% Confuse LV4
Landslide Impact 2700-2750% 50% Confuse LV5

Pilika[edit | edit source]

Pilika in action

Pilika is a light attribute creature that is exclusive to newmans. Summoning Pilika will bestow the user with infinite PP for 30 seconds, and grant nearby party members 20% extra damage to all their blasts for 30 seconds. Nanoblasts and infinity blasts will also receive the extra damage, even if the user is already in the transformation when Pilika is used.

If Pilika is used on another player that is already under Pilika's PP nullification effect, that player will receive infinite PP for the duration of the mission. This is not an intended effect, and is one of the game's many bugs.

There are no differences between the ranks of Pilika, all of them provide the exact same effect.

Rank Module Name
Light Haven
Brilliant Haven
Mighty Haven

Kun'ne[edit | edit source]

Kun'ne in action

Kun'ne is a dark attribute creature that is exclusive to humans. Summoning Kun'ne will bestow the user with 40% increased attack speed for 90 seconds. This increased attack speed affects only the speed of animations, and will not apply any reduction to charge times of charge shots or Technics.

There are no differences between the ranks of Kun'ne, all of them provide the exact same effect.

Rank Module Name
Dark Embrace
Night Embrace
Diabolic Embrace