Open missions

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Open missions, as seen from the mission counter
Missions that can be undertaken multiple times and completed solo. They range in difficulty from C to ∞, with enemies of increasing difficulty.

Open missions, also known as free missions, are missions which feature no special objectives, and task the party with reaching the end and defeating the target creature. Open missions are available both in story mode and multi mode, with no differences between the missions available. All open missions can be played alone or with up to 4 players, with no inaccessible areas that require a certain amount of players in the party.

In story mode, if the player returns to Clad 6, either by returning through the mission entrance or becoming incapacitated without a Scape Doll, the mission will immediately end. In multi mode, players may return to Clad 6 freely and resume the mission, however returning to Clad 6 through an incapacitation will affect the mission's end rank. Teleport crystals are also located at the beginning of each sector in multi mode, allowing players to quickly warp between the beginning of sectors after the teleport crystals have been activated.

Level requirements[edit | edit source]

All open missions require the same character level from all the players in the party. If any player in the party does not meet the required character level, an open mission of the desired rank cannot be started.

Req. LV1+ LV20+ LV60+ LV100+ LV150+

Mission clear[edit | edit source]

As open missions do not feature any special objectives, the party's clear rank is determined on the amount of creatures defeated in the mission, and in multi mode, if any players are incapacitated and have to return to Clad 6. All open missions require every creature defeated for rank, and also reward the same items on achieving rank.

Rank Reward
to 1x PA Fragment
1x Extend Fragment

Orga Dyran[edit | edit source]

After completing an open mission which does not feature a boss creature as the target, the route back to Clad 6 may be blocked with a rainbow teleporter. This rainbow teleporter will transport the party to an unknown sector, where they will fight Orga Dyran.

Orga Dyran will be the same level as the target creature of the mission, which is 4 levels above the mission's creature level.

Urgent missions[edit | edit source]

Main article: Urgent missions

Rarely on completing any open mission in multi mode, an urgent mission may be made available to the party. Urgent missions are special missions which feature unique objectives, higher level creatures than normal, and multipliers to experience and drop rates. When an urgent mission is received, it can only be played on the same difficulty as the mission that was completed to unlock it. The urgent mission must be played as the next mission, as disbanding the party or starting another mission will remove the mission from the mission terminal.

The urgent missions that can be received depend on the planet of the open mission that the party was playing.

Special shops[edit | edit source]

In missions which feature boss creatures as the target, there is a rare chance that a teleporter to a special shop will appear next to the boss teleporter. These special shops sell unique items which cannot be obtained anywhere else.

The shop which appears depends on the planet of the open mission that the party is playing.

Unlocking open missions[edit | edit source]

Initially, only a very small amount of open missions are available to player, and more must be unlocked by fulfilling certain criteria depending on the mission.

Most open missions can be unlocked through either story mode or multi mode, with each mode requiring different criteria to be fulfilled to unlock the missions. If a mission is unlocked in either mode, it will be unlocked in both story and multi mode, other than missions which are initially unlocked in multi mode only - these must still be unlocked in story mode.

Some open missions can only be unlocked through completing a specific mission, usually a story related mission. There is no way to unlock every open mission in multi mode alone, but all open missions can be unlocked solely in story mode.

List of open missions[edit | edit source]

The rare attribute column refers to attributes that only appear on the rare variation of the mission. All open missions have rare variations, but not all of them introduce new attributes on the rare variants.

Parum[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Attributes Creature LV Target Unlock
Regular Rare Story Multi
Hurricane Subversion 12 50 100 150 205 Dyla Bravas Clear Chapter 2 (Episode 2)
Machinery Mayhem 18 60 110 160 215 Volna Gravka Clear Chapter 4 (Episode 2)
Seabed Echoes 12 50 100 150 205 Reol Badia Clear Chapter 2 (Episode 2)
Undersea Ruins 1 30 75 125 175 Svaltia Initially unlocked Initially unlocked
Sleeping Warriors 4 35 80 130 175 Svaltus Clear Undersea Ruins Clear Undersea Ruins
Scarred Planet 5 35 85 135 200 Grass Assassin Clear Chapter 7 (Episode 1) Clear Endrum Remnants
Plains Overlord 6 40 85 135 200 De Ragan Initially unlocked Initially unlocked
The Dual Sentinel 8 45 90 140 205 De Ragnus Clear Chapter 9 (Episode 1) Clear Sleeping Warriors and Train Rescue
The Mad Beasts 11 50 100 150 205 Gol Dolva Clear Chapter 3 (Episode 1) Clear Plains Overlord
Crimson Beast 12 50 100 150 210 De Ragan Clear Sleeping Warriors,
Plains Overlord and The Mad Beasts
Clear Sleeping Warriors and The Mad Beasts
Endrum Remnants 13 50 100 150 185 Grinna Bete C Clear Chapter 3 (Episode 1) Clear Crimson Beast
Multiped Threat 14 55 105 155 210 Reol Badia Clear Chapter 3 (Episode 1) Clear Sleeping Warriors and Plains Overlord
Lightning Beasts 20 65 115 165 190 Gainozeros Clear Scarred Planet Clear Scarred Planet
Train Rescue 21 65 115 165 195 Dilla Griena Clear Chapter 9 (Episode 1) Clear Lightning Beasts
Duel in the Ruins 22 65 115 165 220 De Ragnus Clear The Dual Sentinel Clear The Mad Beasts and The Dual Sentinel
Twin Demons 25 70 125 170 225 Faz'ntar Seg'ntar Clear Episode 1 and Train Rescue Clear Duel in the Ruins

Moatoob[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Attributes Creature LV Target Unlock
Regular Rare Story Multi
The Valley's Guardian 15 55 105 155 210 Dol Vaveer Clear Chapter 3 (Episode 2)
Grotto Tempest 15 55 105 155 210 Duga Dunga Clear Chapter 3 (Episode 2)
Stolen Weapon 2 30 75 125 200 Magas Maggahna Clear Desert Goliath and Flaming Horns Clear Desert Goliath and Flaming Horns
Valley of Carnage 7 40 90 140 180 Vanda Orga Clear Chapter 2 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
Jungle Charger 10 50 100 150 180 Bag Degga Clear Chapter 2 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
Desert Terror 11 50 100 150 205 Dimmagolus Clear Chapter 2 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
Mine Defense 12 50 100 150 210 Kog Nadd Clear Valley of Carnage Clear Valley of Carnage
Citadel of Sand 14 55 105 155 210 Rygutass Clear Episode 1 Clear Stolen Weapon
Desert Goliath 15 55 105 155 210 Magas Maggahna Clear Chapter 3 (Episode 1) Clear Desert Terror
Burning Snow 16 55 105 155 215 Bafal Bragga Clear Chapter 5 (Episode 1) Clear Jungle Charger
Caves of Ice 18 60 110 160 215 Dago Gujeri Clear Chapter 5 (Episode 1) Clear Burning Snow
Lonely Laboratory 20 65 115 165 190 Bafal Bragga Clear Chapter 5 (Episode 1) Clear Awoken Serpent
Awoken Serpent 22 65 115 165 220 De Rol Le Clear Caves of Ice Clear Caves of Ice
Polar Rumblings 24 70 120 170 220 Duga Dunga Clear Desert Goliath and Burning Snow Clear Desert Goliath and Burning Snow
Flaming Horns 25 70 120 170 225 Bil De Golus Clear Chapter 6 (Episode 1) Clear Polar Rumblings

Neudaiz[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Attributes Creature LV Target Unlock
Regular Rare Story Multi
Festive Brawl 24 70 120 170 230 Yaoroz Clear Hal's Action Shot
Shape of Evolution 8 45 90 140 200 Goran-Garan Clear Chapter 1 (Episode 2)
Grove of Fanatics 5 35 85 135 200 Adahna Degahna Clear Rainbow Beast Clear Rainbow Beast
Sacred Stream 7 40 90 140 180 Sinow Hidoki Clear Chapter 4 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
Demons Above 8 45 90 140 205 Onmagoug Clear Chapter 4 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
Moonlight Beast 9 45 95 145 205 Zoal Goug Clear Woodland Raid Clear Woodland Raid
Sakura Blast 15 55 105 155 210 Dakamazli Clear Chapter 4 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
White Beast 16 55 105 155 215 Alterazgohg Clear Sacred Stream Clear Sacred Stream
The Eastern Peril 17 60 110 160 215 Onmagoug Clear Demons Above Clear Demons Above
Flowery Pursuit 18 60 110 160 215 Sinow Hidoki Clear Sakura Blast Clear Sakura Blast
Rainbow Beast 19 60 110 160 185 Kagajibari Clear Chapter 8 (Episode 1) Clear The Eastern Peril
Dancing Birds 20 65 115 165 190 Rappy Gugg Clear Chapter 8 (Episode 1) Clear The Eastern Peril
Spore Eaters 22 65 115 165 220 Azn'gom Gijn'gom Clear Dancing Birds Clear Dancing Birds
Woodland Raid 23 70 120 170 220 Adahna Degahna Clear Grove of Fanatics Clear Grove of Fanatics
The Holy Ground 24 70 120 170 220 Danoamaz Clear Woodland Raid Clear Woodland Raid
Price of Knowledge 25 70 120 170 225 Zoal Goug Clear Moonlight Beast Clear Moonlight Beast

Clad 6[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Attributes Creature LV Target Unlock
Regular Rare Story Multi
The Cerulean Titan 5 35 85 135 200 Koko Melodda Initially unlocked Initially unlocked
The Shelled Giant 8 45 90 140 200 Giel Zohg Clear Chapter 1 (Episode 2) Clear The Cerulean Titan
Like in a Dream 25 70 120 170 235 Olga Flow Final Clear Beyond Space and Time
The Sacred Gallery 21 65 115 165 220 Brigantia Clear Episode 2
Galaxy's Demise 21 65 115 165 220 Dark Falz Dios Clear Episode 2
Terror Revisited 18 60 110 160 215 Dulk Fakis Final Clear Chapter 4 (Episode 2)
SEED Awakened 3 30 80 130 200 Dulk Fakis Clear Fight for Food and Dark Satellite Clear Fight for Food and Dark Satellite
Electronic Brain 6 40 85 135 200 Mother Brain Clear Chapter 8 (Episode 1) Clear Endrum Remnants
Military Subway 10 50 100 150 180 SEED-Argine Clear AMF HQ Recovery Clear AMF HQ Recovery
AMF HQ Recovery 14 55 105 155 210 SEED-Ardite Clear Chapter 9 (Episode 1) Clear Electronic Brain
SEED Express 18 60 110 160 215 Mother Brain Clear Electronic Brain Clear Electronic Brain
Fight for Food 20 65 115 165 190 SEED-Vance
Clear Chapter 6 (Episode 1) Initially unlocked
Dark Satellite 21 65 115 165 195 Carriguine Clear Fight for Food Initially unlocked
True Darkness 22 65 115 165 220 Dulk Fakis Final Clear SEED Awakened Clear SEED Awakened
The Black Nest 23 70 120 170 220 Zasharogan Clear Chapter 7 (Episode 1) Clear SEED Awakened
The Dark God 23 70 120 170 220 Dark Falz Clear Episode 1 Clear Military Subway and The Black Nest
Bladed Legacy 24 70 120 170 220 Renvolt Magashi Clear Crimson Warrior
Forgotten Castle 25 70 120 170 225 Orga Spritos Clear Episode 1 Clear The Dark God
Ancient Invader 25 70 120 170 225 Orga Angelus
Orga Anastasis
Clear Forgotten Castle Clear Forgotten Castle