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Reason: Page needs creating, exists simply for creature visual currently.
Naval |
ナヴァル |
- A species from Moatoob. They hunt in packs, utilizing their large fangs and speed.
Naval is a regular creature. They are the weakest creatures on Moatoob that can tail whip players. They also have an Ice Element and they cast Barta, and they even have a Fire Element and they cast Foie.
- Values in parentheses () refer to a creature's count on a mission's rare variation, if it has a different value to regular variations.
- Navals along with Nava Ludda,Vanda,Vanda Merha,Lapucha, Bil De Vear and Zoona. Are the only Moatoob creatures to appear in all 3 of Moatoob’s Elements (Fire,Ice and Earth.)
- They are the 2nd creatures in the game to give a certain status effect when hit by its alternate element the first being Badira.
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