Getting started

From PSP2i Wiki
Vasque, a Little Wing mercenary acting as a tutor for new recruits, including you!

Welcome to Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!

This page serves as a guide to get you set up playing the game on a system of your choice, along with instructions on how to install various patches, install the downloadable content, setup multiplayer, and where to begin once you start playing the game.

Please note that currently, multiplayer is not possible consistently from a PSP or PS Vita. You may still play on these systems, but if you wish to play online with others, you will be required to transfer your savefile to another system temporarily.

Installing the game

First, procure a copy of the game in ISO format.

The Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity Wiki will not be providing an ISO of the game for you, you will be required to provide it yourself.

English patch

The Wiki will provide you with all the steps and files to install the English Patch yourself; there will be no need to visit other sites.
The original release thread for the English Patch by Weyu and JamRules can be found here.

Please note that a Windows PC will be required to install the English Patch!

What you will need:

  1. Extract all files from PSPo2 Infinity English v1.7z into a folder on your computer.
  2. Extract all files from xdeltaUI.rar into a different folder on your computer.
  3. Run xdeltaUI.exe.
  4. In the Apply Patch tab, click the first Open button and select the file PSPo2 Infinity English v1.xdelta. (This was extracted from PSPo2 Infinity English v1.7z)
  5. Click the second Open button and select your ISO game file.
  6. Click the ... button and choose where you would like the patched file to be saved.
  7. Click Patch and allow the program to create the patched ISO. This may take a while depending on the power of your PC.

Now that you have created the patched ISO, you may play it on your system of choice.

Game patches

Downloadable content

Setting up multiplayer

Beginner guides