
From PSP2i Wiki
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Reason: Page needs creating, exists simply for creature visual currently.
An autonomous weapon; it eliminates intruders with its axe and lightning emissions.

Svaltia is a regular creature.


Values in parentheses () refer to a creature's count on a mission's rare variation, if it has a different value to regular variations.

Story missions

Mission Name Episode Normal Hard Attribute Amount
Chapter 1 - Act 1 Episode 1 3-3 58-73 1
Chapter 10 - Act 2 Episode 1 43-61 130-145
Chapter 2 - Act 2 Episode 2 10-60 95-145
Chapter 5 - Act 1 Episode 2 25-75 130-180

Open missions

Mission Name Planet Attribute Amount
Hurricane Subversion Parum 12 50 100 150 205
Undersea Ruins Parum 5 34 79 129 179 1-4 (0)
Citadel of Sand Moatoob 14 55 105 155 210 2

Tactical missions

Mission Name Planet Attribute Amount
Roar of Flames Parum 20 70 120 180 210
Gurhal Heroes (VR: Ark) Clad 6 95 145 245 5[1]
Famitsu Max Attack (Great Wellspring) Clad 6 25 70 120 170 220
Max Attack Cross I Clad 6 5 40 105 180 215
Max Attack Cross II Clad 6 10 45 110 185 220
Max Attack Cross III Clad 6 15 50 115 190 225
Max Attack Cross IV Clad 6 20 55 120 195 230 4
  1. 2 Svaltia are guaranteed to have a white aura of power, and 1 Svaltia is guaranteed to have a red aura of power.