Mini Rappy

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Mini Rappy
A highly cute Rappy, said to have appeared from a dimensional distortion.

Mini Rappy is a regular rare creature. They are one of the easiest creatures in the entire game. As they do not attack.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Values in parentheses () refer to a creature's count on a mission's rare variation, if it has a different value to regular variations.

Open missions[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Planet Attribute Amount
White Beast Neudaiz 16 55 105 155 215 0 (3)
Rainbow Beast Neudaiz 19 60 110 160 185 0 (1)
The Holy Ground Neudaiz 24 70 120 170 220 0 (3)

Tactical missions[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Planet Attribute Amount
The Big Push Neudaiz 20 70 120 180 210
Famitsu Max Attack (Ancient Grove) Clad 6 5 50 100 150 200 0 (13)
Famitsu Max Attack (Great Wellspring) Clad 6 25 70 120 170 220

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • These Enemies orginally appeared in Phantasy Star Zero.
  • Mini Rappy is the only creature that does not attack players.