Machine Guns

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(Redirected from Machineguns)
Machine Guns
Type: Ranged
Eff. ATK: (ATK/4)+ACC
Enemy DEF: DEF
Hand: Left
Range: Medium
Speed: Fast
Locks: 1
Hits: 1+
PP Cost: 8
Additional info
FPS Shooting: No
Strafe: Yes
Extend Type Costs
Hu Ra Fo Va
1.5× 1.5×

Machine Guns are a left-handed ranged weapon with the fastest attack speed in the game with its attack. Unlike other weapons which have a 3-attack combo, or single shots, machine guns have a continuously firing attack, providing that the user has the PP to sustain the attack. This makes machine guns extremely potent at building up chains on creatures.

Machine guns have a unique charge shot that is classified as a melee attack, giving Rangers a melee option without requiring the use of a melee weapon.

Machine guns are available from the beginning of the game, easily accessible from the Weapon Shop.

Charge Shot[edit | edit source]

Bullet modifiers and weapon PA% and PP% modifiers do not modify the charge shot in any way, except reduced or extra range from bullets.

Any values in parantheses () refer to modifiers from the Full Charge Shot ability.

Charge Shot I[edit | edit source]

Four shots are fired directly in front of the user in quick succession. This attack launches, and shots may miss if the creature is launched too high.

Attack Power PP Cost Charge Time Hits Locks Attack Type
150% (240%) 20 (30) 1s (2s) 4 1 Ranged

Charge Shot II[edit | edit source]

The user fires a volley of 6 bullets in a narrow spread in front of them, with decent range. This attack is classified as a melee attack, so will check against a creature's melee resistance instead of their ranged resistance.

Attack Power PP Cost Charge Time Hits Locks Attack Type
160% (220%) 40 (50) 2s (3s) 6 1 Melee

Photon Arts[edit | edit source]

Bullets only affect normal attacks, charge shots are only affected by the range modifier of bullets.

Main article: Power Fever
1-10 111-120% (1) 80% 80% 10
11-20 121-130% (1) 80% 80% 10
21-30 131-140% (1) 80% 80% 10

Main article: Hit Fever
1-10 100% 111-120% (1) 90% 10
11-20 100% 121-130% (1) 90% 10
21-30 100% 131-140% (1) 90% 10

Main article: Long-Range Fever
1-10 100% 81-90% (1) 120% 10
11-20 100% 91-100% (1) 125% 10
21-30 101-110% (1) 100% 130% 10

Main article: Save Fever
1-10 71-80% (1) 100% 70% 7
11-20 81-90% (1) 100% 70% 7
21-30 91-100% (1) 100% 70% 7

Main article: Meseta Fever
LV ATK ACC Range PP Effect
1-10 101-110% (1) 100% 100% Shots cost 40 meseta instead of PP
11-20 111-120% (1) 100% 100% Shots cost 40 meseta instead of PP
21-30 121-130% (1) 100% 100% Shots cost 40 meseta instead of PP

Special patterns[edit | edit source]

Certain weapons have their special decided by their attribute rather than a fixed special. There are three different patterns that is based on the weapon itself.

Pattern 1 - Burn Freeze Shock Confuse Sleep Poison
Pattern 2 - Burn Freeze Stun Poison Sleep Infection
Pattern 3 - ↓ATK,TEC ↓DEF,EVA,MND Stun Charm Confuse HP affects pwr

List of machine guns[edit | edit source]

This list has an image gallery here.
This page displays all machine guns with how they look, without other information.

As machine guns are a left-handed weapon, any stats listed in the "Other Stats" column will also apply to any right-handed weapon equipped on the same palette slot as the machine gun, not including extra locks.


Rarity Name Mfr. Grade Req. ATK ACC Eff. ATK Other Stats PA% PP% Special Special
Element Notes
(0) (10) (0) (10)
1★ Machinegun 1 26 46 11 18 23 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Maggan 1 29 49 10 17 22 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
2★ Assault 5 37 57 14 23 28 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Aza 5 40 60 12 22 27 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Machineguc 30 161 181 58 98 103 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Maggac 30 114 134 38 67 72 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
3★ Greasegun 10 47 67 18 30 35 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Gres 10 51 71 16 29 34 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Beam Vulcanic 50 187 207 70 117 122 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga S'binac 50 191 211 62 110 115 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Blackhawk 10 50 70 26 39 44 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV2 5% Any
Beluga 1 60 80 40 55 60 LCK+20 100 80 Shock LV3 10%
Grave To 1 100 120 50 75 80 EVA-30 100 90 Poison LV4 2%
4★ Repeater 15 69 89 26 43 48 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Rit 15 74 94 23 42 47 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Muzzlefevic 70 223 243 87 143 148 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Ketchup Gun 15 72 92 42 60 65 EVA-50 80 80 Drain LV3 20% Hover
Puyo Pop Fever Gun 15 65 85 24 40 45 - 100 100 ↓ATK,TEC LV2 6% Any
5★ Gatling 20 87 107 33 55 60 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Gat 20 94 114 30 54 59 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Bulletdancic 80 254 274 101 165 170 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Grifone 20 81 101 46 66 71 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV2 5% Any
Watergun 20 100 120 100 125 130 DEF+25, MND+25 100 90 Freeze LV1 8%
6★ Vulcan 30 105 125 43 69 74 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Bar 30 114 134 38 67 72 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Deathraic 90 275 295 114 183 188 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3%
Mustard Gun 30 106 126 120 147 152 EVA-50 80 80 Confuse LV5 20% Hover
7★ Beam Vulcan 40 142 162 58 94 99 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga S'bina 40 154 174 52 91 96 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Germinus Ganuc 100 294 314 126 200 205 - 90 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
H&K 38 Combat Sp. 40 154 174 79 118 123 - 100 100 Stun LV2 4% Any
8★ Yasminakov 0002 50 168 188 70 112 117 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Draga 50 182 202 62 108 113 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Grinna Bete Gun 50 181 201 80 125 130 - 110 100 Pattern 1 LV2 5%
9★ Drumline 60 195 215 84 133 138 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Magga Guin 60 211 231 75 128 133 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Megaphone 60 256 276 125 189 194 STA-10 100 100 ↓ATK,TEC LV2 20% Any
10★ Muzzlefever 70 243 263 105 166 171 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Black Darkness 70 208 228 105 157 162 EVA-50 100 80 Pattern 1 LV2 3% Any
11★ Bulletdance 80 265 285 121 187 192 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
12★ Deathrain 90 287 307 136 208 213 - 100 100 Pattern 1 LV1 3% Any
Blitz Fender 90 271 291 142 210 215 DEF+20, MND+20 100 80 Confuse LV2 3% Any
Psychogun 90 274 294 161 230 235 ATK+15 100 90 Reflect damage LV4 10% Any Hover
Magana Revolta 90 280 300 137 207 212 - 100 90 HP affects pwr LV2 100% Any Hover
13★ Germinus Gun 100 307 327 151 228 233 - 100 100 Stun LV2 4% Any
Grinna Bete Buster 110 284 304 161 232 237 - 110 100 Pattern 1 LV2 5% Any
Missouri M13 110 285 305 159 230 235 - 100 100 ↓DEF,EVA,MND LV2 8% Any
14★ Genesis 130 315 335 156 235 240 - 100 100 Stun LV2 4% Any
Yasminkov 9000 130 278 298 149 219 224 - 110 110 Pattern 1 LV2 6% Any Hover
Gigaphone 130 280 300 163 233 238 LCK-10 100 100 ↓DEF,EVA,MND LV2 20% Any
15★ Yasmi. 9000 Ultra 150 291 311 158 231 236 - 110 120 Pattern 1 LV2 16% Any Hover
Avenger 150 333 353 170 253 258 - 100 90 HP affects pwr LV2 100% Any
Alterakazuchi Gun 150 290 310 180 253 258 TEC+50 110 100 Sleep LV2 5% Any
16★ Strike Raider 160 331 351 196 279 284 ATK+25 110 90 Incapacitate LV1 1% Any Hover
Final Fender 160 352 372 203 291 296 DEF+20, MND+20 110 80 Freeze LV2 3% Any

Special in parentheses () indicates the base weapon's special that cannot be obtained through Extend. For these specials, No Change must be chosen when using an Extend Code.

Rarity Name Mfr. Grade Req. ATK ACC Eff.
Other Stats PA% PP% Special Addition Special
Element Notes
Drain Other
10★ Machinegun 80 262 158 224 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Maggan 80 283 141 212 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Assault 80 270 153 221 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Aza 80 291 136 209 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Machineguc 80 319 98 178 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Maggac 80 300 98 173 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Greasegun 80 277 148 217 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Gres 80 299 133 208 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Beam Vulcanic 80 325 93 174 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga S'binac 80 322 93 174 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Blackhawk 80 220 126 181 - 100 100 2 2 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5% Any
Beluga 80 180 140 185 LCK+20 100 80 3 3 3 (Shock LV3) 10%
Grave To 80 220 150 205 EVA-30 100 90 4 4 (Poison LV4) 2%
10★ Repeater 80 285 139 210 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Rit 80 307 124 201 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Muzzlefevic 80 330 121 204 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Ketchup Gun 80 192 142 190 EVA-50 80 80 3 3 20% Hover
Puyo Pop Fever Gun 80 255 132 196 - 100 100 (↓ATK,TEC LV2) 6% Any
Gatling 80 290 133 206 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Gat 80 313 120 198 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Bulletdancic 90 337 136 220 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Grifone 80 226 136 193 - 100 100 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5% Any
Watergun 80 320 150 230 DEF+25, MND+25 100 90 (1) 1 1 1 8%
Vulcan 80 295 128 202 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Bar 80 319 114 194 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Deathraic 100 344 138 224 - 90 110 1 1 3%
Mustard Gun 80 226 145 202 EVA-50 80 80 5 5 20% Hover
10★ Beam Vulcan 80 301 122 197 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga S'bina 80 325 109 190 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Germinus Ganuc 100 356 144 233 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
H&K 38 Combat Sp. 80 301 137 212 - 100 100 2 (2) 2 4% Any
Yasminakov 0002 80 307 116 193 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Draga 80 331 104 187 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Grinna Bete Gun 80 231 130 188 - 110 100 2 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5%
Drumline 80 312 111 189 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Guin 80 337 99 183 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Megaphone 80 326 150 232 STA-10 100 100 2 2 (↓ATK,TEC LV2) 20% Any
10★ Muzzlefever 80 318 144 224 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Black Darkness 80 322 135 216 EVA-50 100 80 (Pattern 1 LV2) 3% Any
11★ Bulletdance 90 324 161 242 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
12★ Deathrain 100 330 164 247 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Blitz Fender 100 341 167 252 DEF+20, MND+20 100 80 2 2 (2) 3% Any
Psychogun 100 344 191 277 ATK+15 100 90 4 4 4 4 (Reflect damage LV4) 10% Any Hover
Magana Revolta 100 329 175 257 - 100 90 (HP affects pwr LV2) 100% Any Hover
13★ Germinus Gun 100 343 170 256 - 100 100 2 (2) 2 4% Any
Grinna Bete Buster 120 319 186 266 - 110 100 2 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5% Any
Missouri M13 120 331 185 268 - 100 100 2 2 (↓DEF,EVA,MND LV2) 8% Any
14★ Genesis 140 355 176 265 - 100 100 2 (2) 2 4% Any
Yasminkov 9000 140 381 163 258 - 110 110 (Pattern 1 LV2) 6% Any Hover
Gigaphone 140 350 188 276 LCK-10 100 100 2 2 (↓DEF,EVA,MND LV2) 20% Any
15★ Yasmi. 9000 Ultra 150 388 167 264 - 110 120 (Pattern 1 LV2) 16% Any Hover
Avenger 150 361 192 282 - 100 90 (HP affects pwr LV2) 100% Any
Alterakazuchi Gun 150 340 205 290 TEC+50 110 100 2 2 2 5% Any
16★ Strike Raider 160 401 221 321 ATK+25 110 90 1 1 1 1 (1) 1% Any Hover
Final Fender 160 397 228 327 DEF+20, MND+20 110 80 2 2 2 3% Any

Special in parentheses () indicates the base weapon's special that cannot be obtained through Extend ∞. For these specials, No Change must be chosen when using an Extend Code ∞.

Rarity Name Mfr. Grade Req. ATK ACC Eff.
Other Stats PA% PP% Special Addition Special
Element Notes
Drain Other
15★ Machinegun 120 287 178 250 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Maggan 120 303 191 267 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Assault 120 290 183 256 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Aza 120 306 191 268 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Machineguc 120 369 198 290 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Maggac 120 350 203 291 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Greasegun 120 292 183 256 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Gres 120 309 193 270 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Beam Vulcanic 120 375 198 292 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga S'binac 120 372 198 291 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Blackhawk 120 300 176 251 - 100 100 2 2 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5% Any
Beluga 120 280 190 260 LCK+20 100 80 3 3 3 (Shock LV3) 10%
Grave To 120 320 195 275 EVA-30 100 90 4 4 (Poison LV4) 2%
15★ Repeater 120 295 184 258 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Rit 120 317 189 268 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Muzzlefevic 120 380 201 296 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Ketchup Gun 120 312 192 270 EVA-50 80 80 3 3 20% Hover
Puyo Pop Fever Gun 120 355 207 296 - 100 100 (↓ATK,TEC LV2) 6% Any
Gatling 120 300 188 263 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Gat 120 323 190 271 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Bulletdancic 120 387 206 303 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Grifone 120 306 206 283 - 100 100 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5% Any
Watergun 120 420 225 330 DEF+25, MND+25 100 90 (1) 1 1 1 8%
Vulcan 120 305 188 264 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Bar 120 329 189 271 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Deathraic 120 394 203 302 - 90 110 1 1 3%
Mustard Gun 120 326 195 277 EVA-50 80 80 5 5 20% Hover
15★ Beam Vulcan 120 311 187 265 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga S'bina 120 335 189 273 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Germinus Ganuc 120 406 199 301 - 90 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
H&K 38 Combat Sp. 120 321 202 282 - 100 100 2 (2) 2 4% Any
Yasminakov 0002 120 317 186 265 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Draga 120 341 194 279 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Grinna Bete Gun 120 281 180 250 - 110 100 2 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5%
Drumline 120 322 191 272 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Magga Guin 120 347 194 281 - 110 110 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Megaphone 120 376 180 274 STA-10 100 100 2 2 (↓ATK,TEC LV2) 20% Any
15★ Muzzlefever 120 328 194 276 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Black Darkness 120 372 185 278 EVA-50 100 80 (Pattern 1 LV2) 3% Any
Bulletdance 120 334 196 280 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Deathrain 120 340 199 284 - 100 100 1 1 (Pattern 1 LV1) 3% Any
Blitz Fender 120 391 217 315 DEF+20, MND+20 100 80 2 2 (2) 3% Any
Psychogun 120 394 211 310 ATK+15 100 90 4 4 4 4 (Reflect damage LV4) 10% Any Hover
Magana Revolta 120 349 225 312 - 100 90 (HP affects pwr LV2) 100% Any Hover
15★ Germinus Gun 120 353 210 298 - 100 100 2 (2) 2 4% Any
Grinna Bete Buster 130 349 196 283 - 110 100 2 (Pattern 1 LV2) 5% Any
Missouri M13 130 406 235 337 - 100 100 2 2 (↓DEF,EVA,MND LV2) 8% Any
Genesis 150 370 216 309 - 100 100 2 (2) 2 4% Any
Yasminkov 9000 150 401 188 288 - 110 110 (Pattern 1 LV2) 6% Any Hover
Gigaphone 150 400 218 318 LCK-10 100 100 2 2 (↓DEF,EVA,MND LV2) 20% Any
Yasmi. 9000 Ultra 160 438 217 327 - 110 120 (Pattern 1 LV2) 16% Any Hover
Avenger 160 411 242 345 - 100 90 (HP affects pwr LV2) 100% Any
Alterakazuchi Gun 160 370 215 308 TEC+50 110 100 2 2 2 5% Any
16★ Strike Raider 160 501 271 396 ATK+25 110 90 1 1 1 1 (1) 1% Any Hover
Final Fender 160 447 253 365 DEF+20, MND+20 110 80 2 2 2 3% Any