Bag Degga

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Bag Degga
A creature inhabiting tropical zones. Its armored front is able to withstand anything.

Bag Degga is a regular creature. They are often appear in Jungle Missions, and they are agressive. Its charge is very strong. And will release a very strong lightning attack which can take down low level players.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Values in parentheses () refer to a creature's count on a mission's rare variation, if it has a different value to regular variations.

Story missions[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Episode Normal Hard Attribute Amount
Chapter 2 - Act 2 Episode 1 3-21 61-78
Chapter 10 - Act 2 Episode 1 43-61 130-145
Chapter 3 - Act 2 Episode 2 16-66 110-160

Open missions[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Planet Attribute Amount
Grotto Tempest Moatoob 15 55 105 155 210 0, 3
Jungle Charger Moatoob 14 54 104 154 184 2-6[1]
  1. 2 Bag Degga appear on and , 3 Bag Degga appear on , 4 Bag Degga appear on , and 6 Bag Degga appear on

Tactical missions[edit | edit source]

Mission Name Planet Attribute Amount
Bruce's Dungeon Moatoob 15 70 100 150 190
Wayfarer in White Clad 6 25-50
Famitsu Max Attack (Ancient Grove) Clad 6 5 50 100 150 200 2 (0)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It is the only Moatoob Creature that is a Lightning Element.