Daylight Scar

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Daylight Scar
Type: Twin Claw
Requirement: Level 90
Special: HP affects pwr LV3
Special Rate: 10%
Element: Any
PA%: 120 PP%: 120
Extend Data
EXT ATK: 726 (+177)
EXT ACC: 287 (+52)
EXT∞ ATK: 776 (+50)
EXT∞ ACC: 387 (+100)
Claws designed with six deadly photon blades.
Their glint during an exchange is the last thing their foes see.

Daylight Scar are 12★ twin claws, and are considered to be the strongest in the game. While they do not possess the highest ATK, they are the only twin claws with a 120% Photon Art modifier, which is also coupled with the HP affects pwr LV3 special, further increasing the potential damage from the weapon.

If the user is able to use the Daredevil ability with this weapon, its damage output is unmatched amongst all twin claws.

Item sources[edit | edit source]

Regular missions[edit | edit source]

Creature drops[edit | edit source]

Creature Name Level Type Rarity
Jedein 200-250 HU RA FO VA 1/200
Jedein 100-199 HU RA FO VA 1/400

Infinity missions[edit | edit source]

Creature drops[edit | edit source]

Creature Name Level Area Rarity
Jedein (SEED 1) 225-250 Any 1/667
Jedein (SEED 1) 100-199 Any 1/1250
Little Wing Rosk (Humanoid 4) 100-199 VR Den 1/3334
Little Wing Rosta (Humanoid 4) 100-199 VR Den 1/3334
Rogue - Jasse (Humanoid 4) 100-199 VR Den 1/3334
Rogue - Mazz (Humanoid 4) 100-199 VR Den 1/3334
Rogue - Ogg (Humanoid 4) 100-199 VR Den 1/3334