
From PSP2i Wiki

Welcome to the Open RuneScape Classic Wiki!

Open RuneScape Classic is an open-source, non-profit, free software server project to create a replica of RuneScape Classic accessible to everyone forever, to allow custom server configurations with simple file edits for server hosts, and to keep the memory alive of what is now considered an abandonware game.

Open RuneScape Classic can be hosted privately or publicly (see the GitLab repository), or players can choose to play on one of our publicly hosted servers, listed below.


Public servers

The below servers are all hosted by the Open RuneScape Classic team at, and are provided completely free-of-charge. No perks can be obtained through donations or subscription services.

All publicly hosted servers are subject to the server's rules.

Regular servers

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A replica of RuneScape Classic as it existed when it closed down in 2018, compatible with the RuneScape+ client.

Currently 98% authentic to RuneScape Classic, with improvements constantly being made for authenticity.

XP rate Extra features
1x Global chat, bug fixes for Thordur's black hole and desert heat mechanics

Botting servers