Assassin Claw

From PSP2i Wiki
Assassin Claw
Type: Claw
Requirement: Level 130
Special: ↓ATK,TEC LV3
Special Rate: 10%
Element: Any
PA%: 100 PP%: 100
Extend Data
EXT ATK: 783 (+25)
EXT ACC: 330 (+25)
EXT∞ ATK: 883 (+100)
EXT∞ ACC: 430 (+100)
3 3
A claw formerly used by a legendary assassin.
Cuts down foes in the blink of an eye with no sound, and no mercy.

Assassin Claw is a 14★ claw. It grants an extra 70 ATK on top of its own ATK. The extra 70 ATK will apply to any left-hand weapon equipped on the same palette as Assassin Claw, as well as the Assassin Claw itself.

Item sources[edit | edit source]

Regular missions[edit | edit source]

Creature drops[edit | edit source]

Creature Name Level Type Rarity
Valiaran 200-250 HU × × × 1/1000
Valiaran 200-250 × RA FO VA 1/4167

Infinity missions[edit | edit source]

Creature drops[edit | edit source]

Creature Name Level Area Rarity
Kamatoze (Neudaiz 5) 100-199 VR Castle 1/2000
Danoamaz (Neudaiz 5) 100-199 VR Castle 1/4167
Goran-Garan (Neudaiz 5) 100-199 VR Castle 1/4167
Kagajibari (Neudaiz 5) 100-199 VR Castle 1/4167
Little Wing Rosk (Humanoid 4) 200-250 VR Cliffs 1/8334
Little Wing Rosta (Humanoid 4) 200-250 VR Cliffs 1/8334
Rogue - Jasse (Humanoid 4) 200-250 VR Cliffs 1/8334
Rogue - Mazz (Humanoid 4) 200-250 VR Cliffs 1/8334
Rogue - Ogg (Humanoid 4) 200-250 VR Cliffs 1/8334