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Revision as of 18:11, 29 November 2021
/* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Timeless skin */ ul.tabbernav li a:link { color:#eee; } ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:hover { background: #2C343F; border-bottom: 1px solid #333; border-top: 1px solid #666; border-left: 1px solid #666; border-right: 1px solid #666; color:#eee; } ul.tabbernav li a { background: #232A35; border-bottom: 1px solid #666; border-top: 1px solid #666; border-left: 1px solid #666; border-right: 1px solid #666; color:#eee; } ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a { background-color: #2C343F; border-bottom: 1px solid #333; border-top: 1px solid #666; border-left: 1px solid #666; border-right: 1px solid #666; color:#eee; } ul.tabbernav li a:hover { background: #2C343F; border-bottom: 1px solid #666; border-top: 1px solid #666; border-left: 1px solid #666; border-right: 1px solid #666; color:#eee; } ul.tabbernav { border-bottom: 1px solid #666; } .tabber .tabbertab { border: 1px solid #666; border-top: 0; } .mwe-popups .mwe-popups-container { background-color: #323942; } .mwe-popups { background: #323942; box-shadow: 0 30px 90px -20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .mw_metadata > tr > th, .mw-datatable > tr > th, .wikitable > tr > th, .mw_metadata > tr > td, .mw-datatable > tr > td, .wikitable > tr > td, .mw_metadata > * > tr > th, .mw-datatable > * > tr > th, .wikitable > * > tr > th, .mw_metadata > * > tr > td, .mw-datatable > * > tr > td, .wikitable > * > tr > td { padding: 0.1em 0.5em; } #p-logo-text a.long { line-height: 1.5; } /* One-sided navigation menu */ @media (min-width: 1340px) { #mw-content-block { display: block; } #mw-content, #content-bottom-stuff { margin-left: 14em; } #mw-content-wrapper { float: right; margin-left: -14em; width: 100%; } #mw-related-navigation { width: 14em; padding: 0 1em 0 0; } div.color-middle { margin-right: 0; } .mw-wiki-logo { display: inline-block; } } /* Align top colour bar with page columns */ .ts-inner { padding: 0 0 0 1em; } /* Re-aligning bottom logos */ #footer { padding-right: 1em; } #mw-content-block { background:#232A35; } /* Temporarily permanent Dark */ body #mw-page-header-links li.selected a, body #p-logo-text a, body #searchInput, body .mw-body .mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend, body .mw-body .mw-search-profile-tabs, body .mw-body fieldset#mw-searchoptions, body .mw-changeslist-legend, body .mwe-popups .mwe-popups-extract, body .suggestions .suggestions-result, body .suggestions, body .suggestions, body .suggestions, body .suggestions, body .suggestions-special .special-query, body .wikitable, body .mediawiki { color: #eee } body { color: #eee; } body #pagehistory li { border: 1px solid #465160; } body .diff-addedline .diffchange { background: #4f6334; } body .diff-deletedline .diffchange { background: #775353; } body .diff-addedline { border-color: #606265; } body #pagehistory li.selected { background-color: #2c343f; color: #eee; border: 1px dashed #465160; } body .mw-plusminus-pos { color: #18b918; } body .mw-plusminus-neg { color: #f94e4e; } body .editOptions { background-color: #232a35; } body #mw-header-container { background-color: #323942; color: #eee } body textarea, body .oo-ui-textInputWidget .oo-ui-inputWidget-input, body .mw-code, body mw-tagfilter-input mw-ui-input mw-ui-input-inline { background-color: #323942; color: #eee; } body #simpleSearch { border-color: #465160 } body #mw-content-container, body #simpleSearch { background-color: #232a35 } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .tabs a, .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget-frameless .oo-ui-tabOptionWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled, body .mw-parser-output a.external,a { color: #29d; } body .mw-parser-output a.external:visited,a:visited,a:visited:hover { color: #18c; } .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget-frameless .oo-ui-tabOptionWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled:hover, body .mw-parser-output a.external:active, body .mw-parser-output a.external:hover, body a:active, body a:hover { color: #5bf } body #mw-content { background-color: #2c343f; border-color: #2c343f } body .tocnumber { color: #ccc } body .toctogglelabel { color: #28c } body .mw-body .mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend, body .mw-body .mw-search-profile-tabs, body .mw-body fieldset#mw-searchoptions, body .mw-changeslist-legend, body .mw-warning, body .suggestions, body .suggestions .suggestions-results, body .suggestions .suggestions-special, body .thumbinner, body .toc, body .wikitable, body ul#filetoc { background-color: #323942; border-color: #465160 } body .thumbborder, body .thumbinner .thumbimage, body .wikitable>*>tr>td, body .wikitable>*>tr>th, body .wikitable>tr>td, body .wikitable>tr>th { border-color: #465160 } body .wikitable>*>tr>th, body .wikitable>tr>th { background-color: #465160 } body .mwe-popups { background: #323942 } body .mwe-popups .mwe-popups-extract[dir=ltr]::after { background-image: linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0),#323942 50%) } body td[style*="background-color:lightpink;"], body td[style*="background-color:#FFE8E8;"] { background-color: #6a2731!important } body td[style*="background-color:lightgreen;"], body td[style*="background-color:#E8FFEB;"] { background-color: #285128!important } body span[style*="color:green"] { color: #3ec83e!important } body table[style*="background:#FFF7F7;"] { background-color: #465160!important } body #mw-header-nav-hack { background: #323942; border-top-color: #465160 } @media only screen and (min-width:1100px) { body #mw-related-navigation .sidebar-chunk, body #mw-site-navigation .sidebar-chunk { background-color: #323942; border-color: #323942; border-radius: .5rem; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgb(33 34 35/50%),0 1px 2px rgb(26 26 27/50%) } } body #mw-related-navigation .sidebar-inner, body #mw-site-navigation .sidebar-inner, body #personal .dropdown { background: #323942; border-color: #465160 } body #menus-cover { background: #111 } table.lighttable .highlight-over { background-color: #ccc; } table.lighttable .highlight-on { background-color: #cfc; } body table.lighttable .highlight-over { background-color:#465160; } body table.lighttable .highlight-on { background-color:#285128; } #mw-scribunto-input { color: #0000FF; } body table.navbox th { background-color:#465160; color:#eee; } body #mp-topbanner { background-color:#465160; } .more_info { border-bottom: 1px dotted; position: relative; } .more_info .title { position: absolute; top: 20px; background: silver; padding: 4px; left: 0; white-space: nowrap; color:black; } .oo-ui-toolbar-bar { background: #232A35; color:#eee; } .oo-ui-barToolGroup-tools.oo-ui-toolGroup-enabled-tools .oo-ui-tool.oo-ui-widget-disabled.oo-ui-flaggedElement-primary > .oo-ui-tool-link, .oo-ui-barToolGroup-tools.oo-ui-toolGroup-disabled-tools .oo-ui-tool.oo-ui-flaggedElement-primary > .oo-ui-tool-link { background:#465160; color:#eee; } .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-window-content, .oo-ui-processDialog-actions-safe .oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-iconElement:not(.oo-ui-labelElement) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-dialog-content > .oo-ui-window-head, .oo-ui-dialog-content > .oo-ui-window-body, .oo-ui-dialog-content > .oo-ui-window-foot, .oo-ui-tool.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-tool-link:active, .oo-ui-tool.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-tool-active > .oo-ui-tool-link, .oo-ui-tool.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-popupToolGroup-active > .oo-ui-tool-link, .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget.oo-ui-labelElement > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-window-body, .oo-ui-panelLayout, .oo-ui-menuLayout.oo-ui-menuLayout-showMenu.oo-ui-menuLayout-top > .oo-ui-menuLayout-content, .oo-ui-popupToolGroup.oo-ui-popupToolGroup-active > .oo-ui-popupToolGroup-handle, .oo-ui-popupToolGroup.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-popupToolGroup-handle:hover, .oo-ui-tool.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-tool-link:hover { background:#465160; } .oo-ui-messageDialog-actions-horizontal .oo-ui-actionWidget:first-child > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-messageDialog-actions-horizontal .oo-ui-actionWidget:last-child > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-popupWidget-popup, .oo-ui-popupWidget-head, .ve-ui-mwNoticesPopupTool-items, .ve-ui-mwHelpPopupTool-items, .ve-ui-mwSaveDialog-options, .oo-ui-processDialog-location, .oo-ui-popupToolGroup-tools { background:#232A35; } .oo-ui-messageDialog-actions-horizontal .oo-ui-actionWidget:first-child > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-messageDialog-actions-horizontal .oo-ui-actionWidget:last-child > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget:not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive):not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-destructive) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget:not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive):not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-destructive) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:active, .oo-ui-messageDialog-message, .oo-ui-toolbar-actions .oo-ui-toolbar, .oo-ui-toolbar-actions .oo-ui-buttonElement.oo-ui-labelElement > input.oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-toolbar-actions .oo-ui-buttonElement.oo-ui-labelElement > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button > .oo-ui-labelElement-label, .ve-ui-mwSaveDialog-license, .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button { color:#eee; } .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget:not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive):not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-destructive) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget:not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive):not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-destructive) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:active { border: none; } .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget:not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive):not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-destructive) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-processDialog .oo-ui-actionWidget:not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive):not(.oo-ui-flaggedElement-destructive) > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:active { background:#232A35; border-right: 1px solid #c8ccd1; } .oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover { background: #465160; color:#eee; } .oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover { color:#fff; } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group .tool-select .menu .options .option:hover, .CodeMirror-gutter { background:#232A35; } .CodeMirror-linenumber { background:#232A35; color:#eee; } .CodeMirror-selectedtext { background: #0078D7 !important; } .CodeMirror-focused .CodeMirror-selectedtext { background: #0078D7 !important; } .CodeMirror-scroll { background:#323942; } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-table th, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-help .page-table td.cell-syntax, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-help .page-table td.cell-result, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-help .page-table td.cell-description, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group .tool-select .options .option, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .tabs a.current, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .tabs a.current:visited, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group .tool-select .label, .CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line, .CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line-like { color:#eee; } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group .tool-select .options .option, .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar { background:#465160 } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .booklet > .index > .current { background:#232A35; color:#19d; } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .booklet > .index > :hover { background:#2C343F; } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-characters div span { color:#eee; } .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-characters div span:hover { background:#465160; } .CodeMirror-line::selection, .CodeMirror-line > span::selection, .CodeMirror-line > span > span::selection { background: #585858 !important; }