
From PSP2i Wiki
A selection of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity's weapons.

Weapons are the most basic equipment in all of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. Without a weapon, a player character cannot do much good against the many creatures of Gurhal. Weapons allow the player to unleash all manner of attacks from standard strikes, skills, charge shots and technics. There are 28 different weapon categories in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, meaning there are weapons for every type of player and situation.

List of Weapon Types

Icon Name Hand Icon Name Hand
Swords Two Ranged
Rifles Two
Knuckles Two Shotguns Two
Spears Two Longbows Two
Double Sabers Two Grenade Launchers Two
Axes Two Laser Cannons Two
Twin Sabers Two Twin Handguns Two
Twin Daggers Two Handguns Left
Twin Claws Two Crossbows Left
Sabers Right Cards Left
Daggers Right Machine Guns Left
Claws Right R-Mags Left
Whips Right TECHNIC
Rods Two
Slicers Right Wands Right
Shield Shields Left Tech-Mags Left

Weapon Controls

Strike Weapons:

The most basic weapons, focused on Melee engagements. Square button is a normal attack, has 3 stages, and recovers a fixed amount of pp when used. Triangle Button is Photon Arts skills, which can be comboed into from any square attack, and has 1 to 3 stages dependent on the PA level. A Perfect Attack can also be executed for 25% damage and 50% more pp recovery. There are many different striking weapons with different attacking styles, and it's recommended to bring at least 1 for easier pp recovery.

Ranged Weapons:

A basic long-range engagement weapon. Square button are normal attacks, at long range, and costs PP. Photon Art Bullets are linked to Square, which can change the damage, accuracy, range, and pp consumpation of the Square attack. Triangle can be held for Charge Shot. Each weapon has two charge shot types, which can be changed from the Weapon Shop. Full Charge Shot type ability can be equipped to increase the power of the Charge Shots.

TECHNIC Weapons:

PA TECHNICs needs to be linked to the weapon for it to attack. TECHNICs can be linked to both Square and Triangle, and allows attacking, healing, as well as support. TECHNICs costs pp regardless of where it is linked to.


Two-handed Weapon and Shields can guard by pressing R. (Rods can only guard if no TECHNIC is linked to R+Square and R+Triangle). Guarding reduces damage from the front, and makes the character unable to flinch or be knocked down. Damage is reduced by 70% while guarding in exchange for a pp cost (90% reduction when guarding with Shields). PP also does not recover while holding guard.

A Perfect Guard can be executed if guard is used right before the attack connects. When executed, damage is reduced to 0 and pp is not consumed.

Weapon Palette

Weapon Damage Formula


Damage is based on 4 things:

  • Base Effective Attack
  • Weapon Effective Attack
    • Effective Attack is calculated differently based on the weapon:
      • Striking Weapons: ATK
      • Ranged Weapons: ATK/4 + ACC
      • TEC Ranged Weapons: (TEC + ACC)/2
      • Technic Weapons: TEC
  • Elemental Correction
    • When using a non-neutral weapon against an enemy of the opposite element, damage is increased.
    • When using a non-neutral weapon against an enemy of the same element, damage is reduced.
    • Element correspondance:
      • Fire <--> Ice
      • Ground <--> Lightning
      • Light <--> Dark
  • Enemy Defense
  • Other Multipliers
    • Chain Damage Multiplier
    • Photon Art/Charge Shot Multiplier

Striking Weapons

Damage = (Base ATK + (Weapon ATK * Elemental Correction) - Enemy Defense)/5 * Multipliers

Ranged Weapons

Damage = (Base ACC + Base ATK/4 + ((Weapon ACC + Weapon ACC/4) * Elemental Correction) - Enemy Defense)/5 * Multipliers

TEC Ranged Weapons

Damage = (Base TEC/2 + Base ACC/2 + ((Weapon TEC/2 + Weapon ACC/2) * Elemental Correction) - Enemy Defense)/5 * Multipliers


Damage = (Base TEC + (Weapon TEC * Elemental Correction) - Enemy Defense)/5 * Multipliers

Elemental Correction

Elemental Correction = 100% +- (30% + Weapon % + Other corrections)

The Elemental Correction Bonus is applied to the effective ATK of the weapon.

  • Elemental Correction only applies when using a weapon against an enemy of either the opposite element or the same element of the weapon.
    • Positive if the opposite element, negative if the same element.
  • A neutral non-TECHNIC weapon does not gain any elemental corrections
  • A TECHNIC weapon checks the element using the element of the TECHNIC used:
    • The % of the TECHNIC weapon is only applied if the element of the TECHNIC is the same as the weapon.
    • Using a neutral rod to cast Foie on an Ice Enemy will gain 30% Elemental Correction.
    • Using a Fire 20% rod to cast Zonde on an Ice Enemy will gain 0% Elemental Correction.
    • Using a Fire 20% rod to cast Foie on an Ice Enemy will gain 50% Elemental Correction.
  • A TECHNIC weapon also gains 5% Elemental Correction for each TECHNIC linked of the same element.
  • Some weapons inherently adds Elemental Correction, such as Holy Sword Elsydeon.
  • Using an Elemental Bullet on a ranged weapon adds Elemental Correction based on the Bullet's level (15% from Lv1 to Lv10, 20% from Lv11 to Lv20, 25% from Lv21).
    • The Longbow's Elemental Bullets adds an extra 5% compared to other Elemental Bullets (20%, 25%, 30% respectively).

Damage Multipliers

Damage Multipliers can come from a variety of sources. These multipliers are directly applied onto the final damage, and multiple multipliers are multiplied.

Chain Multiplier

When attacking using the Square button (Attack for Striking weapons, Bullets for Ranged Weapons, and Technics linked to Square for TECHNIC weapons), it builds chains on the enemy equal to the amount of hits you have done to it.

When attacking using the Triangle button (Photon Art Skills, Charge Shots, and Technics linked to triangle), and the chains on the enemy is above 1, the attack gains a multiplier based on the chain number. Any attack from triangle gains that multiplier until the chain disappears from the enemy.

Multiplier calculation (story mode): 200% + 12.5% * (Chain Number -1)

Multiplier calculation (multi mode): 200% + 7.5% * (Chain Number -1)

Perfect Attack

Striking Weapons, when attacking, has a small circle that gradualy shrinks on the bottom right corner at the commands. By pressing the attack button when the circle is the same size as the circle on the command, a Perfect Attack is performed. A successfully executed Just Attack adds 25% to the total damage and counts as a critical hit.

  • A Perfect Attack must be the second or later attack in a series of attacks.
  • The timing of a Perfect Attack differs from weapon category to weapon category, and is affected by attack speed or hitlag.
  • It's possible to execute a Perfect Attack using a Photon Art Skill from a normal attack.
  • It's possible to execute a Perfect Attack on the 2nd or later stages of a Photon Art Skill.
    • A Photon Art without a 2nd stage can't chain into another Perfect Attack.

Other Multipliers


Traps are items which can be equipped to the item palette, and placed onto the field by accessing them from the palette. they can not be used from the inventory, unlike all other consumables.

Each Trap does a set amount of damage, and does not add to chains.

The damage is based on: N x (10 + Player Lv). (N is 6 for Burn, Freeze, and Stun traps, 7 for Virus traps, and 2 for EX traps)

A total of 3 normal traps (regardless of type) can be placed on the field at a time. They detonate after a fixed amount of time, and hit a maximum of 4 enemies.

One EX trap can be placed on the field at a time, and detonate on command via Triangle. They hit a maximum of 5 enemies 10 times. Swapping back to a weapon does not cancel the trap detonation, nor will it detonate the trap if it is currently placed.

The type of traps a player can carry is based on the player's type.

Type Burn Freeze Confuse Virus Burn EX Stun EX
Hunter -- -- --
Ranger -- --
Force -- -- --
Vanguard --